Groshs Lawn Service Tip of the Week # 309 March 15, 2020 Lawn Mowing Service

Grosh's Lawn Service Tip of the Week # 309 March 15, 2020

Today we ask you to join us and our President in praying for our country.

Our family, friends, our neighbors and our fellow country men and women need our prayers!

Dear Heavenly Father we ask that you bless and protect each of our fellow Americans today and everyday. We trust you to lead and guide us each day and to help our neighbors as we would want to be helped. 

May the United States of America be a beacon for the rest of the world to see how we care for each other and that our freedom is not taken for granted. Protect our service personnel and watch over and protect all the health care, fire, rescue, EMS, police, National Guard, Reserves and everyone who is lending a hand caring for the sick. 

We ask you Father to help our scientists find a cure today to stop the Coronavirus to protect your world.

In Jesus name we pray!

May God Bless America! 


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