Grosh's Lawn Service Tip of the Week # 312 Video April 5, 2020 Shrub Trimming Hagerstown MD

Grosh's Lawn Service Tip of the Week # 312 Video Shrub Trimming Hagerstown MD

Shrub Trimming and Shrub Pruning for your spring blooming shrubs is critical here in the Hagerstown MD area.

Most spring blooming shrubs that need some pruning or trimming should be trimmed and/or pruned right after the shrub has finished blooming here in the Hagerstown MD community.

You will want to schedule your shrub trimming and shrub pruning ASAP so that you are on the schedule and your spring blooming shrubs can be trimmed at the proper time. Timing is everything when we are talking about your shrubs blooming next year so contact Tom now at to schedule your spring shrub trimming and shrub pruning consultation.


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