Lawn Mowing Service Hagerstown MD Landscaping Contractor Washington County Maryland

In Our Travels
What are you thankful for?
As we make our way towards another Thanksgiving, yes we were blessed to live another year and share this time with family and friends. This is our last Thanksgiving of this decade so make some wonderful memories.
Two recent events just the last two days makes being thankful so very important for things some might take for granted.
Our friend Melissa Kephart shared on Sunday about local residents of a group home in need of basic personal care items and a special request for snack cakes. Little Debbie snack cakes. How would your Thanksgiving be without pumpkin pie and assorted cakes?
Then we see on Monday the Community Action Council in Hagerstown handing out 200 free turkeys and some of our citizens in need getting in line before 5:00 am. Did we have to stand in line at 5:00 am in the cold to get our turkey? Be thankful for that.
One man said “He expects to be able to eat off the gift for about a month.”
We all have so much to be thankful for and the blessings we receive each day. Yes each day in itself is a blessing.
If time and finances allow get a little something extra and share it with someone or an organization to let others know they are loved!
Take a moment and remember all our troops for their sacrifice!
Happy Thanksgiving and may God bless you and your family this Thanksgiving season from all of here at Grosh's Lawn Service!


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