Ragweed found in Williamsport MD Washington County MD with Grosh's Lawn Service
Do you have Ragweed growing in your flower beds in Williamsport MD? Do you have Ragweed growing in your lawn or field that is not properly mowed in Hagerstown MD? Did you know that with regular mowing Ragweed will not survive in Washington County MD? Do you have allergies to Ragweed in Washington County MD? Ragweed Life cycle: summer annual Growth habit: grows 1 to 4 ft., erect, and branching; leaves pinnatifid, deeply dissected, fern-like; foliage similar to mugwort, but not chrysanthemum-scented and not from rhizomes; ragweed pollen is the primary cause of hay fever Reproduction: by seed; green flowers inconspicuous, in terminal clusters Conditions that favor growth: common in cultivated crops, orchards, roadsides, meadows, etc.; clay or sandy soil but prefers heavy, moist soils Cultural control: does not tolerate frequent mowing Source-Extension-University of MD, Education Ragweed A TURF MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FROM GROSH'S LAWN SERVICE CAN GET Y...