Landscaping Lawn Care Services Add Value

Local Lawn Mowing Service Landscaping Contractor

Did You Know:

  • There are more than 30 million acres of lawns in the United States.
  • A healthy lawn is of utmost importance to our local environment and the Chesapeake Bay.
  • A 50- foot by 50-foot lawn produces enough oxygen for a family of four.
  • Lawns cool the atmosphere. Eight healthy front lawns have the cooling effect of 70 tons of air conditioning, which is enough for 16 average homes.
  • Dense, healthy grass slows water runoff, removing contaminants and trapping soil. Fresh filtered water Returns to the underground water supply.
  • Grass converts carbon dioxide to oxygen, a process that helps clean the air.
  • A well-cared-for lawn can significantly increase your property value and enhance the curb appeal of your home.
  • In addition to its positive environmental impacts, a healthy lawn can also make a home more marketable, and in this tough housing market, can make or break a sale.
  • Well-maintained lawns and landscapes can add up to 15% to a property's value.
  • A dense, healthy turf is an environmental hero.

The above information is from Grosh’s Lawn Service and The National Association of Landscape Professionals.


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