Dog Poop Hagerstown MD Lawn Mowing Service Washington County Maryland

Clean Up After Your Dog! Hagerstown MD Washington County MD with Grosh's Lawn Service

It does matter to your local lawn mowing service Grosh's Lawn Service
 From veterinarian Hannah M. Smith, DVM 

Clean Up After Your Dog!

Part of responsible pet ownership is cleaning up after your pets. This is very important for both health and sanitary reasons.

The More You Know!

Did you know that dogs can carry Salmonella, Campylobacter, Giardia, Hookworms, and Tapeworms which can be transmitted to people? Not only that, but dogs can carry roundworms, parvovirus, whipworms, and coccidia which can quickly infect other dogs.

When a dog or human (walking barefoot) steps in dog poop, that stool can transmit these diseases. And it doesn't have to be "fresh" excrement, some worm eggs can live in the soil for 5 years! Yes, that means if stool is left in the yard, even once evidence of stool is gone, it can still infect.

Dog feces are also a great reservoir for flies! A yard left uncleaned can make the fly population grow out of control, as much of the eggs are laid in feces.

Finally, keeping your water clean is one of the most important reasons to clean up after your pets. Of water pollutants, dog feces are as high as 3rd on the list for contributors to polluted water.

So keep those yards clean, folks!  You, your dog, and your environment will be much happier!!

We wanted to make you aware of the dog waste in the lawn front and back.  It is all over our mowers we are tracking the dog waste everywhere and our crew is walking in it and hitting the dog waste when string trimming the fence. 
Our mowers have to be washed due to the dog waste before we can change the blades at the end of the day and service the mowers.

Can you please help us with this? Thank you!  For the Health and Safety of your dogs and family and our team members is a winning combination.


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