Native Gardens in Williamsport, MD
Are you thinking about adding a Native Garden to your landscape in Williamsport, MD or Hagerstown, MD?
Would you like to attract wildlife to you Native Garden?
Would you like to add wildflowers to help attract butterflies?
What types of birds would you like to attract?
Would you like to attract wildlife to you Native Garden?
Would you like to add wildflowers to help attract butterflies?
What types of birds would you like to attract?
Photo Credit U of MD Edu.
The wildflowers that can be added to your Native Garden are eastern columbine, New England ironweed, butterfly weed, corepsis, beebalm, swamp sunflower and beardtongue are the wild flower we can add to your Native Garden.
Would you like to use grasses in your Native Garden?
Broomsedge, bottlebrush grass, little bluestem, indiangrass, switchgrass and river oats are grasses we can use for your Native Garden.
How about adding trees and shrubs to your Native Garden?
Sweet pepperbush, spicebush, arrowwood, elderberry, serviceberry, fringetree, red maple, willow oak and shagbark hickory are the trees and shrubs we can add to your Native Garden.
Contact Tom today to schedule your Native Garden!
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