Japanese Stiltgrass Hagerstown MD Lawn Care Service

Japanese Stiltgrass

Japanese Stiltgrass is actively growing here in the Hagerstown MD area and Washington County Maryland.

Japanese Stiltgrass is considered a highly invasive species and a non-native plant to Maryland.

Japanese stiltgrass needs to be controlled with a very early application beginning of March.

Japanese stiltgrass is considered an annual grass here in Washington County Maryland.

Contact Karen and Tom today at https://www.groshslawnservice.com/ to schedule your lawn care treatment program to control Japanese Stiltgrass here in Hagerstown MD, Washington County Maryland and the tri-state area.

Sources for more information:

Alabama Cooperative Extension System.

Japanese stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum), also called Nepalese browntop, is an aggressive invader of forest lands throughout the eastern United States. Infestations can impact the diversity of native species, reduce wildlife habitat, and disrupt important ecosystem functions. Stiltgrass is considered one of the most damaging invasive plant species in the United States.

Infestations spread rapidly and the seed can remain viable in the soil for up to five years. Correct identification is necessary before beginning any management activities. Fortunately, Japanese stiltgrass has a unique combination of characteristics that make field identification possible. This publication gives simple descriptions and clear pictures of these characteristics along with details on how to distinguish several common look-a-like species.

Source- USDA


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