Hagerstown MD

The Benefits of Mulching by Grosh's Lawn Service / Tom Grosh

Do you know all the benefits of mulching? Mulching is one of the best things you can do for any landscape bed.

In most beds, we install a thick (3") layer of mulch for optimal appearance and plant health. Landscape beds with dense flowers & shrubs will receive a lighter layer, and no mulch will be placed against any tree or shrub trunk, so there’s no ugly ‘volcano’ mulching to detract from the appearance of your plants. 

The Benefits of Mulching
* Mulch helps conserve moisture in the soil for the annual and perennial flowers to use all summer long. 
* Mulch helps maintain a consistent soil temperature throughout the year protecting the plants heat and cold. 
* Mulch helps keeps weed seeds from germinating and good to seed creating an even bigger weed issue.

Now that you know some of the benefits to mulching contact Tom now at to schedule your mulching consultation here in the Hagerstown MD area and Washington County Maryland.

Tom has been laying mulch for over 45 years in the Clear Spring MD area as a youth, a teenanger and as a businessman. Why would you not want to put Tom's 45 years of experience to work for you.


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