Tree Shrub Care Hagerstown MD Washington County Maryland

Did you know that different parts of the tree grow at different times of the year? Root growth occurs in the fall and winter months, followed by foliage that grows mostly in the spring. Trunk growth mainly occurs during the summer months.

Do you have any stressed plants, infested with insects, and in need of some professional help? Contact Tom at  to get your trees back in good health.

Did you know the average tree takes in about 520 gallons of water each year? Have your trees received the proper amount of moisture this year?

Were your shrubs planted back under the drip edge of the house? Are they crying for water?

Remember, you get out of your plants what you put in to them, so water them properly!

Your birds and other wildlife need some fresh water as well so make sure you have a place or two for them to drink safely!

Contact Tom the Landscaper today at to schedule your tree and shrub care consultation here in Washington County Maryland.


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