I need your REVIEW in Hagerstown, MD, Clear Spring, MD and Williamsport, MD

Grosh's Lawn Service needs your review!

All you have to do is leave a review at one or BETTER YET all the sites below! 
• Google+: https://plus.google.com/111981743096890493877/about
• Yelp: http://www.yelp.com/biz/groshs-lawn-service-clear-spring

• Superpages: http://www.superpages.com/.../Groshs-Lawn-Service...
• Yellow Pages: http://www.yellowpages.com/.../mip/groshs-lawn-service-590
• Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/.../Groshs-Lawn.../110498965679829
Each time you leave a review you get another chance to win! That means if you leave 5 reviews - you have 5 chances to win the iPad! I will choose a winner at random THIS SATURDAY!!! 



Have a couple of minutes to log on and give a REVIEW (s)?

Why wait in the long lines on Black Friday when you can sit on the couch and give Grosh's Lawn Service a REVIEW and get a chance to win a I-Pad Mini!

Grosh's Lawn Service has the I-Pad Mini for the WINNER SELECTED from the REVIEWS!
It is not to late to post a review of Grosh's Lawn Service and get your chance(s) (now up to 5) for the I-Pad Mini!

Thank you for the REVIEW!!


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