Leyland Cypress Evergreen Trees in Hagerstown, MD

Photo Credit Tom Grosh/Grosh's Lawn Service

 When considering planting a "privacy" hedge, some consideration should be given to your neighbors as not planting the Leyland's to close to the property line. When the Leyland's mature they will encroach on the neighbors property if planted with-in feet of the property line.

Also you should give consideration to the height you will allow the Leyland"s to grow to because after they reach over 7' tall they will start to shade out the ground on the north side of the evergreens. This could mean your neighbors property will not receive enough sunlight to sustain growth of grass or other shrubs. This could also be you own property if you planted them on the south side of your property.

I have seen the devastating effects from improper planting of Leyland Cypress and the problems caused because "it's my property and I will plant the Leyland's as close to the property line as I want". Treat you neighbors as you would want to be treated if they were planting Leyland's  and keep your privacy hedge back off the property line to make your neighborhood a nice place to live.


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